I think this is item is good and makes some key points
"... artifacts that are rigorous and approached as a science rather than as an art..."
"... instead of just discussing a business operating model through text ..."
"... you're not just documenting the business, you're analyzing the business and you're discovering quite a bit about the business ..."
"... they're not static deliverables. They're supposed to be living representations of the business and you should continue giving them attention and updating ..."
We also need to brings these concepts down stream into what business "analysts" and how requirements are discovered and elaborated e.g.
"... artifacts that are rigorous and approached as a science rather than as an art..." - what we need is are artefacts are rigorous and approached with semantic precision rather than as a story telling exercise in the "best seller list" book tradition
"... instead of just discussing a business operating model through text ..." - narrative is not always the best way of undertaking or recording analysis
"... you're not just documenting the business, you're analyzing the business and you're discovering quite a bit about the business ..." - and elaborating the Business Architecture as a part of defining requirements.
"... they're not static deliverables. They're supposed to be living representations of the business and you should continue giving them attention and updating ..."
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