Sunday, February 2, 2014

Why don't IT organizations maintain, reference and continously improve the simplest of inventies

If you large organizations who have fleets of cars:
a) if each cars cost less than $50k
b) if their can essentially continue to operate of a car fails 
c) if they have an inventory of the 100s or 1000s they have 
- the answers are usually: yes, yes and yes. 

If you ask the same organizations who multitudes or people:
a) if each person costs them less than $50k to on board and make productive. 
b) if their can essentially continue to operate if one their people fails catastrophically
c) if they have an inventory of the 100s or 1000s of people they have. Know who manages them, knows where they are, what they do etc.
- the answers are usually: yes, yes and yes. 

If you ask the same question about interfaces between systems they answers are usually: no, no and no. And often they don't have even canonical inventories of the systems  

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